Terraroc NS 100, çok çeşitli sabitleme elemanlarının ankrajı ve dar boşluklu montajlar için tasarlanmış genel amaçlı çimentolu, rötresiz bir harçtır.
Terraroc NS 100 is a general purpose cementitious non-shrink grout designed for narrow void grouting, flow screeds and anchoring of a wide variety of fixings. Its non-shrink and free flowing properties are ideally suited for ramming, pumping or pouring. The simple addition of a required amount of water determines its wide range of applications. Due to its early strength development it allows for quick return to service of grouted areas.
Terraroc NS 100 is a pre-mixed blend of graded silica, Portland cement and additives with the following properties:
Terraroc NS 100 is designed for use in the following areas:
Preparation of Surface
Ensure that all dust, dirt and foreign matter are brushed and scraped away. Also ensure the surfaces are free from salts, oil, grease and ridges, and protect all adjacent surfaces not to be covered. This must be removed either chemically or mechanically. The surface where Terraroc NS 100 is to be applied must be saturated with water for not less than 2 hours prior to application. Alternatively Terraco Terrabond A or an epoxy primer (Terraco Epirok EP 1) must be applied to the substrate and the Terraroc NS 100 placed whilst primer is still wet.
Mixing Instructions
Place 3.5 Litres of cold water (25ºC) in the mixing vessel. Empty entire contents of 25kg bag Terraroc NS 100 into the water whilst mixing with a mechanical mixer. Add additional 500ml water (maximum) to mixture to desired consistency. Mix for 5 minutes and then place or pump.
Ensure adequate labour is at hand to have continuous mixing and placing of Terraroc NS 100. Remove excess water from substrate if saturated with water, if temperature is above 33ºC place grout immediately after mixing. When grout is partially set, trim edges and float to desired finish. Bulking of Terraroc NS 100 for floor screeds: a) Terraroc NS 100 can be bulked using clean silica sand (0.6 – 1.2mm) at a mixing ratio of 1:1 where screeds of between 20 – 50mm are required. b) For screeds above 50mm, Terraroc NS 100 can be bulked with clean 10mm graded stone at the ratio of 1:1. c) The stone size should never exceed one third of final thickness of floor. When bulking with silica aggregate or stone the quantity of water required will be between 9% and 10% (4.5 – 5.0 L per 50 kg mix).
Keep surface damp and covered with plastic sheeting or damp hessian cloth. The surface can also be kept damp with a fine water spray. The curing must be continuous for 3 days. Care must be taken where grout is covered by hessian cloth or plastic, ensure that these surfaces are kept damp. On exposed vertical surfaces a curing compound can be applied.
Terraroc Broşürü
view nowProduct Name | Product Code |
Terraroc NS100 | 77260 |