
Terracoat Sahara

1 mm ve 2 mm dolgulu granüler yüzeye sahip, mala ile uygulanan dokulu kaplamadır. Terraco EIFS için son kat olarak önerilir.

Application Method: Mala
Grades: Flex Akrilik Silikon

Genel Bakış

Sand patterns created in the desert by the wind have long fascinated mankind by their sheer beauty. Similarly, Terracoat Sahara, a stylish trowel applied texture giving a filled granular finish, is a popular choice with designers and is available in two grain sizes. Terracoat Sahara is specifically designed for providing a fuller bodied textured appearance.


• A filled sandy textured scratch finish.
• Extremely tough and durable. (ASTM 4060)
• Outstanding flexible qualities.
• Excellent impact and abrasion resistance.
• Excellent weather and UV resistance.
• Vapour permeable allowing substrate to breathe. (ASTM E96)
• Water based and environmentally friendly.

Kullanım Alanları

• Suitable for exterior and interior application.
• Suitable for all types of substrates – rendered surfaces, cement fibre boards, Sprayplaster, off-shutter concrete, as well as gypsum dry walls and chipboard.
• Suitable for almost any type of project and development, be it high-rise condominiums, hotels and resorts, schools, government buildings or high-rise towers.
• Ideal for Terraco EIFS.
• Applied by steel trowel and finished with a plastic trowel.
• Grades: 1.0mm, 2.0mm.


Prepare substrate by removing all loose and friable matter. Stop and fill where necessary. Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and sound.

New Work
Roller apply one coat of Terraco P Primer Textured and allow to cure. Apply Terraco Terracoat Sahara / Terracoat Sil Sahara (select required performance option*) 1.0mm / 2.0mm (select grain size) to colour and texture as per approved architectural sample.

Protect all adjacent areas not to be covered. All cracks, chips, voids and damages should be repaired with an appropriate filler. Prepare by removing all loose and flaking paint, grease, dirt and grime. Spot prime exposed areas appropriately. Proceed as for new work.

Uygulama Videoları

Terracoat Sahara Application Video


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Available Grades

Product Grade Product Code
Terracoat Sahara 1mm 61521
Terracoat Sahara 2mm 61525