Rulo/püskürtme ile uygulanan, kum tanesi yüzeyli, ince-orta kalınlıkta dokulu kaplama.
1000’den fazla renkte mevcuttur.
The perfect choice for a matt wall coating with a low to medium build textured pattern, Terracoat Fine creates an unmistakable Mediterranean style. It is ideal for salt laden air climates. As the gentle texture is of such a nature, this product is often used for private villas, country styled neighbourhood shopping centres, and for renovation projects. The versatility of this product lends itself to both spray or roller application.
• A low to medium build sandy texture.
• Extremely tough and durable. (ASTM 4060)
• Excellent weather and UV resistance.
• Vapour permeable allowing substrate to breathe. (ASTM E96)
• Excellent impact and abrasion resistance.
• Water based and environmentally friendly.
• Designed for exterior use on new and renovation projects.
• Suitable for application to concrete, cement rendering, lightweight concrete, cement fibre boards, fair faced stone work, brickwork and blockwork.
• Extensively used on residential developments, shopping centres, commercial complexes and medical centres.
• Applied by spray or roller to create a gentle textured appearance.
Prepare substrate by removing all loose and friable matter. Stop and fill where necessary. Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and sound.
New Work
Roller apply one coat of Terraco P Primer Textured and allow to cure. Apply Terraco Terracoat Fine / Terracoat Sil Fine / Terracoat Flex Fine (select required performance option*) to colour and texture allowing for drying times between coats, as per approved architectural sample.
Protect all adjacent areas not to be covered. All cracks, chips, voids and damages should be repaired with an appropriate filler. Prepare by removing all loose and flaking paint, grease, dirt and grime. Spot prime exposed areas appropriately. Proceed as for new work.
Dekoratif Kaplamalar & Son Kat Cephe Ürünleri Broşürü
view nowProduct Name | Product Code |
Terracoat Fine | 61340 |