Surface Preparation
Ensure the substrate is sound. Using a putty knife, cut along the cracks in a V shape. The maximum openings of the cracks should be 5 mm wide x 3 mm deep. Remove all the dust, dirt, foreign matter, plaster debris, etc. from the surface completely. Apply a diluted coat of Terraco Terrabond A (1:5 with water) to the opened crack by brush.
Infill the crack-openings using Terraco Acrylic Crack Filler and allow to dry. Ensure the crack filling is done in a crisscross pattern. Allow to dry for 6-8 hours and apply a second coat (if necessary) to achieve full levelling. If required, lightly sand down the final surface before painting, preferably within 24 hours of application. Apply the filler in a thin even layer (maximum 1mm).
Clean tools and equipment with water after use.
Do not apply during rising temperatures to avoid the risk of out gassing resulting in pin-holing. Do not apply on bituminous coating. For exterior areas, do not apply if rain is likely over the next 24 hours.