

Terraco offers innovative and versatile render solutions that cater to the requirements of architects, consultants, and contractors alike. Our spray-applied surface preparation compounds have established us as a market leader, providing cost-effective, time-saving, and high-quality results.

Discover our two main types of Renders:


Terraco Sprayplaster is a range of ready-mixed, polymer-modified, cementitious, spray-applied plasters. Applied on millions of square meters worldwide, these long-life products guarantee exceptional performance. Designed for thin coat applications, Sprayplaster reduces deadweight in buildings by approximately 45%, making it ideal for large-scale, fast-track projects.


Terramix is a line of cementitious, trowel or spray applied plasters, formulated for plastering and repairing exterior and interior surfaces. Providing a hard, smooth, water-resistant finish, Terramix is suitable for painting and wallpapering. With hydraulic and organic binding, Terramix ensures excellent adhesion and serves as an ideal basecoat in the Terraco Sprayplaster system.

Design Mortars

Our Design Mortars product group features a range of dry-mix performance mortars, such as Blockfix™, developed for use as lightweight block mortars and decorative brick mortars. Blockfix™, a specially formulated thin joint and repair mortar, minimizes thermal bridging and offers reliable adhesion. Available in grey and white, it ensures minimal joint width and eliminates issues commonly associated with traditional mortars.

Contact your Terraco representative for further technical assistance and discover the perfect render solution for your project.

Explore our full range of renders and mortars below:

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