

Bring your exterior facades to life with Terraco’s range of class leading decorative finishing products.

Terracoat™ Textured Coatings are environmentally friendly architectural finishes that are available in different colours and textures to create beautiful design patterns.

These coatings have been tried and tested across several weather conditions – the searing heat of the Arabian Peninsula, the harsh monsoons of South East Asia and the sub-zero temperatures of the Scandinavian region.

Terracoat™ Textured Coatings are either trowel, spatula, roller or spray applied to create specific textures.

The coatings are available in three versions – acrylic, silicone and elastomeric; each designed to meet different performance criteria.

The durability of the Terracoat™ Acrylic range is derived from the use of high performance acrylic resins, precisely graded fillers and additives for the prevention of fungal and algal growth.

The durable Terracoat™ Sil range (silicone) is characterised by its outstanding resistance to dirt pick up, and provides excellent vapour permeability allowing the substrate to breathe.

The superior performance of the Terracoat™ Flex range (elastomeric) is seen in the product’s elastic properties – superior flexibility, easily bridging substrate movement and minor cracks, making it excellent for renovation work.

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