Stucco Vintage G200

Stucco Vintage G200 is a decorative mineral floor finish designed to give the appearance of a natural cast concrete floor. It is easy to apply and has excellent strength, abrasion resistance and durability.

Metode Aplikasi: Trowel Spatula
Grades: Acrylic

Product Ringkasan

Stucco Vintage G200 is a decorative mineral floor finish designed to give the appearance of a natural cast concrete floor. It is easy to apply and has excellent strength, abrasion resistance and durability.

A range of attractive patterns can be achieved depending on application tools and installation method. It is finished with a clear resin based epoxy topcoat resulting in an attractive sheen which is easy to maintain


Stucco Vintage G200 has the following properties:

  • Faux concrete finish
  • Easy to apply
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Excellent durability
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Low VOC system

Area Aplikasi

Stucco Vintage G200 is used for application on commercial floors such as offices, restaurants, shops and department stores.

Metode Aplikasi

Surface Preparation:

Concrete floors should be fully cured for 3-4 weeks. Ensure that all dust, dirt and foreign matter are scraped and brushed away. All cracks, chips, voids and damages should be repaired first.

Apply a coat of P Primer Clear prior to application of Stucco Vintage G200. On extremely absorbent, porous surfaces or under extreme climatic conditions, apply 2 to 3 coats of primer.

Stucco Vintage G200 is poured onto surface and spread with a smoothing trowel or spreader to the required thickness. Various patterns can be achieved using various application tool and method. Top coating should be applied after 72 hours.

Clean tools and equipment with water after use


Stucco Vintage Brochure

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Product Name Code
Stucco Vintage G200 68503