

Terraco continues its proud tradition of producing a wide range of versatile and eco-friendly specialised waterproofing products for various applications – above, below and at ground level application. Please find all the waterproofing products below.

Réservoirs à eau et piscines

Terraco has a wide range of waterproofing products that are ideal for structures that store standing water and in few cases, potable water. Below are the products ideal for waterproofing swimming pools and water tanks.


Terraco offers an extensive range of world class decorative finishes and multiple façade solutions that combines beautiful textures with life long protection.


Terraco offers a wide range of roof coatings that provide flexible waterproofing with excellent weather resistance and long life flexibility. Check out the range below.

Revêtement de sol

Aéroports, Hôpitaux et Ecoles

Terraco offers wide range of finishing and repair products that are ideal for use in Airports, Hospitals & Schools.

Stationnement et zones industrielles

Terraco offers high performance anti-carbonation, wall protection system for parking and industrial areas which concentrate on using barrier coatings to protect concrete from the ingress of water and CO₂. Below are the products that form a part of this system.

Renovation and Retrofit

Réparations de plaques de plâtre

Terraco offers specially formulated, easy to apply, high quality gypsum jointing, skimming and repairing compounds with excellent non-slump properties, ideal for patching plaster cracks.

Isolation thermique par l’extérieur ( ITE)

Aménagement du paysage

Terraco offers a range of quality Resin Surfacing Systems, used internally and externally as flooring and landscaping solutions that are ideal for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Concrete Repair & Protection

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