施工方法:清理基面所有的灰尘、污垢和外来异物,用Handycoat修补基面的裂缝和缺陷;施工天鹅绒艺术涂料前,请用 Terralux花之梦或与其相当的漆作为天鹅绒的底漆.将涂料搅拌均匀,用批刀将本品批刮在墙面上。
Preparation of surface
New surfaces: Ensure that all dust, dirt and foreign matter are scraped and brushed away. Also ensure the surfaces are free from salts, oil, grease and ridges. Protect all adjacent surfaces not to be covered. All cracks, chips, voids and damages should be repaired with Handycoat. Prepare surface using Handycoat and sand to a smooth level surface. Use Terralux or equivalent as a base paint for Velvetex application.
Old surfaces: Before applying to old surfaces, ensure the substrate is firm. First wash down the surface with a sugar soap solution, rinse and allow to dry before repairing or applying the primer.
Application & Cleaning of tools
Velvetex can be applied by spatula, roller, brush or spray and built-up to achieve various attractive velvet effect pearlescent finishes.
Clean tools and equipment with water after use.
Product Name | Code |
Velvetex | 62350 |